7 Reasons Why You Are Not Happy — And What To Do About It

Margot Mitchell
4 min readJun 27, 2021

You are not happy. You may be suffering from depression, anxiety, or some other mental illness that is preventing you from living your life to the fullest. But what if happiness was just a few steps away? What if happiness could be achieved with only a little bit of effort on your part? This blog post will explore 7 reasons why happiness might elude you and how these problems can be solved!

Comparing your life with other people

One of the biggest happiness killers is comparing your own life to other people’s lives. There are many reasons that social media posts can lead us astray, but it all boils down to one thing: we’re only seeing what they want us to see! Just because someone has an amazing career or a huge house doesn’t mean their personal happiness matches up with these things. It might not even be as good as you think. Studies have shown that when people post about happiness on social media, they tend to talk more about their insecurities and hardships than anything else. If we don’t know how happy another person really is based on what they show off online, then why compare our happiness against theirs?

If you are not happy, do something about it! One great way is by being grateful for what you have instead of focusing on the things that you don’t have or lamenting over what has already happened in life. Take a second to think back on all the amazing moments and people who brought happiness into your life. This could range from simpler experiences like long walks with friends or cooking a meal together to more monumental occasions such as getting married and having children. Gratitude can help us remember these times too when we’re feeling low because they remind us just how fortunate we really are.

Not keeping in touch with friends and family

Studies have shown that people with higher levels of social contact are happier and healthier than those who don’t. Try scheduling regular catch-up sessions so you can always stay connected to the important people in your life. When you’re not happy in your life, being social becomes impossible. You need to force yourself out of this rut by forcing yourself to get out there and mingle. Just do it!

Not spending time on activities that you enjoy doing

Whether it’s your favorite hobby, a sport, or even just cooking dinner at home for yourself and your partner — happiness is all about pleasure. Take the time to indulge in what you love like never before! You’ll soon feel energized (and less stressed) by reconnecting with something that makes you happy. Find out what things make you happy, and spend more time doing them. It might take a little trial and error to figure it all out, but once you do the effort will have been worth it. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of who you are. You’re an amazing person just as you are — there’s no need to change yourself in order to fit someone else’s expectations.

Incessant complaining often leads to unhappiness

Complaining is a habit that’s hard to break. You might not even realize you’re doing it — but the more often you complain, the unhappier you’ll feel. You’re probably complaining about things you can’t change, and that’s the worst thing because it never makes us feel better in the long run. Complaining is a habit like any other — so if we want to break it, all we have to do is replace our complaints with something else. If you’re complaining about your job, maybe it’s time that you start looking for other work. You can’t change what made us unhappy in the first place but we sure as hell have a choice over whether or not we stay there. The happiness habit is all about making with intention and taking responsibility.

Being stuck in your comfort zone

One of the most common reasons for lack of happiness in people’s lives is lack of growth. When we are stuck in our comfort zone, happiness is hard to come by. We all have this need to feel good about ourselves and for our life’s purpose to be fulfilled. The only way you will find happiness now is if you make a change! Take risks, step outside of your box and do what makes YOU happy. Make the time every day or week (depending on how much free time you have) that’s dedicated just for yourself so that you can take care of your mental health as well as physical needs. It’s important not to ignore either one. Do something new, try out a class at the gym, go hiking with friends, get involved in an art event.

Not exercising

We all know that happiness is highly correlated with health, but what we forget sometimes is how important it is to be proactive in making sure not only our physical needs are met, but also our mental wellbeing. Exercise does both! It releases happy hormones like serotonin which make us feel good about ourselves as well as relieves anxiety so we can better focus on the things we want to accomplish. We need a balance of exercise and rest for optimal happiness — don’t ignore one or the other! Just 30 minutes per day will do wonders for your mood swings and general outlook on life.

You are always living in the Past or Future

You have to learn to enjoy the happiness of this moment and not worry about what’s going to happen in the future.

One way is by saying “I am happy” anytime you feel like it, just for a few minutes at first. You can say things such as: “I’m so lucky,” or “That was fantastic!”

Remember that happiness doesn’t come from outside sources but from within yourself. It’s in your power to decide how well you’re doing!

